Frequently Asked Questions–

What is the purpose of the New York Jobs CEO Council?
  • The New York Jobs CEO Council is a results-oriented, new coalition of leading employers, educational institutions, and community organizations across New York City.
  • The Jobs Council came together for the purpose of seeing how we can create new economic opportunities for traditionally underserved New Yorkers–especially low-income and diverse communities in our city.
  • Our goal is for New Yorkers to access good, well-paying jobs and climb up the economic ladder as businesses grow in New York.
What are the immediate priorities of the Jobs Council?
  • The New York Jobs CEO Council collaborates closely with leaders in education, local government and community organizations to meet its goal of preparing New York area residents for the future of work.
  • Our goal is to ensure training opportunities like apprenticeships and internships lead to full time jobs and stable, sustainable career pathways that will help New Yorkers climb up the economic ladder.
What is expected of CEOs who join the Jobs Council?
  • CEOs' companies support and implement innovative solutions to prepare and hire New York area residents for in-demand jobs, measure outcomes, and share insights and lessons learned.
Why should a company be part of the Jobs Council?
  • New York employers are facing a shortage of skilled workers for in-demand jobs in rapidly growing sectors such as tech and healthcare.
  • With the world of work changing rapidly and some jobs expected to be lost, business leaders have the opportunity to ensure their talent needs will be met by helping create a skilled pipeline of workers.
  • At the same time, member companies are connecting New Yorkers with economic opportunity, by providing them with the skills that they need to pursue in-demand career pathways, and strengthening the economic fabric of the City.
What is the anticipated impact of these collective efforts? How will the impact be measured?
  • Our ambitious goal is to collectively hire and apprentice 100,000 traditionally underserved New Yorkers. The Jobs Council coordinates among member companies so we can measure our collective success, share best practices and reach our goal of hiring 100,000 traditionally underserved New Yorkers – including 25,000 CUNY students – by 2030.
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